Chatterbot — A chatter robot, chatterbot, chatbot, or chat bot is a computer program designed to simulate an intelligent conversation with one or more human users via auditory or textual methods, primarily for engaging in small talk. The primary aim of such… … Wikipedia
Chatterbot — Agent conversationnel Un agent conversationnel est un agent (informatique) qui dialogue avec un utilisateur. La recherche sur cette Interface Homme machine est influencée par la compétition sur le test de Turing (1950) : donner l illusion qu … Wikipédia en Français
Chatterbot — Chatterbots, Chatbots oder kurz Bots sind textbasierte Dialogsysteme im Internet. Sie bestehen aus einer Texteingabe und Ausgabemaske, über die sich in natürlicher Sprache mit dem dahinterstehenden System kommunizieren lässt. Sie können, müssen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
chatterbot — noun An artificial intelligence program intended to simulate interactive conversation with another person … Wiktionary
Chatterbot — n. program that simulates human conversation (by artificial intelligence) and is used in computer games and Internet sites … English contemporary dictionary
chatterbot — noun a computer program designed to interact with people by simulating human conversation … English new terms dictionary
chatterbot — … Useful english dictionary
Fred Chatterbot — Fred, or FRED, was an early chatterbot written by Robby Garner. The name Fred was initially suggested by Karen Lindsey, and then Robby jokingly came up with an acronymn, Functional Response Emulation Device. Robitron Software Research, Inc. [http … Wikipedia
List of chatterbots — Chatterbot Directories*dmoz|Computers/Artificial Intelligence/Natural Language/Chatterbots/|Chatterbots * [ Chatterbot Central] at [ The Simon Laven Page] *… … Wikipedia
Dialog system — An automated online assistant on a website an example where dialog systems are major components. A dialog system or conversational agent (CA) is a computer system intended to converse with a human, with a coherent structure. Dialog systems have… … Wikipedia
Agent Conversationnel — Un agent conversationnel est un agent (informatique) qui dialogue avec un utilisateur. La recherche sur cette Interface Homme machine est influencée par la compétition sur le test de Turing (1950) : donner l illusion qu un programme pense… … Wikipédia en Français